Oberhofer Sport und Event GmbH
Oberhofer Sport und Event GmbH
The Oberhofer Sport und Event GmbH (OSE) is responsible for the organisation and realisation of the BMW IBU World Championships Biathlon 2023 in Oberhof as well as the World Cups in 2024, 2025 and 2026.
Sustainability is also playing an increasingly important role in sport. That is why we are implementing key components of our DSV Sustainability Strategy 2030 in Oberhof.
The LOTTO Thüringen ARENA
The "LOTTO Thüringen ARENA am Rennsteig" in Oberhof not only serves as a biathlon stadium, but can also be used as a venue for major events.
2023 Bäume, darunter 15 große Bergahorne, 208 Weißtannen und 1800 Buchen, sind von Biathlon-Fans, ehrenamtlichen Helfern und Unterstützern der Oberhofer Biathlon-Veranstaltungen gepflanzt worden. Das Projekt „WM-Klimawald“, das im Rahmen der BMW IBU Weltmeisterschaften Biathlon Oberhof 2023 entwickelt wurde, ist ein Beitrag zur Wiederaufforstung des Thüringer Waldes.
As part of the Coop FIS Cross-Country World Cup 2024 in Oberhof, the German talents in the U14 and U15 age groups also made their grand appearance. They have competed in the DSV e.infra Schülercup in the LOTTO Thüringen ARENA am Rennsteig.
Die Organisatoren geben grünes Licht: Ab Freitag wird das Comeback der Langlauf-Elite im Thüringer Wald gefeiert. Elf Jahre nach dem letzten Großevent der Athletinnen und Athleten auf den dünnen Brettern kehrt der Coop FIS Langlauf-Weltcup nach Oberhof zurück. „Die letzten Arbeiten laufen. Unser Organisatoren-Netzwerk, bestehend aus der Oberhofer Sport und Event GmbH, dem Thüringer Wintersportzentrum, dem Deutschen Skiverband sowie dem Thüringer Skiverband, arbeitet Hand in Hand, um beste Bedingungen für die Athletinnen und Athleten und ihre Teams zu schaffen und den Langlauf-Fans ein tolles Live-Erlebnis zu bieten“, sagt OK-Chef Bernd Wernicke.
The BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon 2024 in Oberhof is history. The following is a summary of the most interesting numbers from this year's winter sports event.
Despite the capricious weather in the run-up to the competitions, the organizers of the BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon 2024 in Oberhof draw a positive conclusion. The joint effort to successfully stage the six races has paid off. 53,000 euphoric spectators followed the sprints, pursuits and relays at the Grenzadler and created a goosebump atmosphere in the ARENA am Rennsteig and along the course. Millions of viewers tuned in on the TV sets. This is not the only reason why the Oberhof World Cup is indispensable from an expert's point of view.
The French women underlined their exceptional form at the BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon 2024 in Oberhof and celebrated their first relay victory of the season ahead of Norway (+9.3 seconds) and Sweden (+33.5). The DSV stars fell well short of the podium and had to settle for fifth place in front of 20,000 fans. In the end, Vanessa Voigt, Janina Hettich-Walz, Sophia Schneider and Franziska Preuß were 4:20 minutes behind the victorious Frenchwomen.
Norway has secured its third victory in the third relay of the season at the BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon 2024 in Oberhof. Endre Stroemsheim, Sturla Holm Laegreid, Tarjei Boe and Johannes Thingnes Boe only had seven penalties and finished well ahead of the second-placed German team (+2:01.9).
Thomas Weikert, President of the German Olympic Sports Federation (DOSB), is not only impressed by the German team's performance during the BMW IBU Biathlon World Cup 2024 in Oberhof. In an interview, he talks about the opportunities and challenges with regard to Oberhof as a World Cup venue and the Olympic movement.
Here you can get an overview of the various events organised by Oberhofer Sport und Event GmbH.
The "Firmenlauf THÜRINGENS SÜDEN®" (company run) takes place once a year. The sporty networking party has become the annual highlight for companies in the region. Save the Date: 20th August 2025!
BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon
The BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon in Oberhof is entering the next round: From January 9th - 12th, 2025, the exciting competitions will once again take place in the "LOTTO Thüringen ARENA am Rennsteig"!
Exclusive Backstage Tour
The fascination of winter sports - all here in one place
A look behind the scenes at the LOTTO Thüringen ARENA am Rennsteig